So, sudah April aja gitu? geez, gak rela deh rasanya musti ninggalin 'bulan gw'. Perasaan baru kemarin gembar-gembor hiphip hura menyambut bulan Maret..eeeh udah lewat aja gitu!
But well, that means life is rolling, walking or should i say running? Another one month pass by. Sangking cepetnya, banyak banget yang terlewat, just like my post..baru nyadar sebulan kemarin alpa ngepost weekly recap.
And to start this month, gw akan post recap bulanan aja kali yaaa..
Hmm..mulai dari mana yaa? First, im officially 31yo now, berasa toku? sedikit Alhamdulillah ndak tuh, biasa aja..malah bersyukur karena masih sehat dan bisa lanjoot curcol2 di blog gak genah inih. secondly, lot of things had changed in my life.
Yang paling utama adalah new place, yups..after 6 years, finally gw pindah ke kostan yang baru. Perjuangan nyari2 kostan selama sebulan lebih, hunting kesana-sini after office bahkan on the weekend, tetep aja gak nemu yang srek, until one day, one of my friend ngasi tau tempat baru ini yang ternyata baik lokasinya, harganya, tempatnya, lingkungan dan fasilitasnya sesuai dengan yang gw mau.
As per today, gw udah resmi tinggal disini for 3 days. Tempatnya homeey banget dan yang pasti lebih besar dari kostan gw yang udah kaya rumah para dwarf ituh! Fasilitasnya juga ndak tanggung2, disini ada kolam renang dan ruang ngegymnya segala, free poela! :D
Being in the new place, pasti semangatnya baru doonk, dan Insya Allah rejekinya juga makin baiik..Amin Amin.
Selain new place, guess what.. I'm having a new job in the new company..yes..yes..yes..I'm also officially resigned from my previous company. It took a lot of considerations before I made the decision, esp when everyone around you thinks that you making a wrong choice. But the hell, gw koq yang ngejalanin, people only see, think and judge by the cover, they just don't know the real thing and trust me, you will do the same as I do if you're in my shoes. No regrets and no turning back. What is done is done.
I do believe everything happened for a reason and I always always believe, Allah SWT knows what best for me.
So, here I am, counting my days to welcoming new challenges, new experiences, new environment, new colleagues, and new life!
Meanwhile, i'm also enjoying my spare time doing crazy thing..and that is shopping! Geez, last month has been the most craziest shopping month ever, besides putting several PO for online shopping, I also bought several new items to boost my spirit *alessaaan bgt inih*
Noo, it's not shoes, clothing nor bag, but i recently into watches now. MK watches to be exact. After having only one MK square gold watch, i think it is a good time to add another watch into my collection, and I choose MK8265 and MK5535. I love love love them both, and what else can I say, these two are gorgeous.
Sisanya? I will be expecting a bigger thing..soon, Insya Allah ;)