Today, gw masih ngantor walopun kerjaan udah hampir2 gak ada. All of the Bosses udah pergi kemana2, so mau follow up kerjaan and tanda tangan juga udah pasti ke postpone semua..
Well, enaknya jadi executive asst ya gini inih, gw bisa nari2, joget2, lari2an dikantor kalo Bosses lagi gak ada semua..the office is mine :p
Tapiinya, tetep aja enak2 gak enak *paan sih bahasa gw! soalnya, mau bengong2 boring juga, mau jalan2 keluar kantor juga gak enak karena masih jam kerja, mau ngerumpi ngalor ngidul gada temennya..*kesian amat! sooo, situasi kantor kalo lagi last day gini bunyinya cuma...krikrikrik :(
Nah untuk bagian enaknya adalaah...gada yang baweel, gak perlu di-rush kerjaan, ga perlu ngurusin ini-itu, santai kaya dipantai. So seharian kerjaan gw cuma browsing2 aja deh di internet :p *karyawan macam apa ituh! Lagian ngapain juga sok2 sibuk kalo emang lagi santai, nanti pas beneran sibuk malah dipikir santai (suudjon aja gw)
Gw sih seneng2 aja klo kantor lowong kaya gini, karena gw jadi bisa update The Blog :p, ngebaca2in lagi apa aja yang udah gw posting for the past months (14 months to be exact). It's funny every time I remember how I finally decided to make this blog and writes everything on it. And it gets even funnier when I realized that I can read everything that had happened in my life. I always fascinated every time I flashback the moments and seeing every pictures of my life, try to remembering the trip and the experiences..Gosh!
Dan akhirnya gw sadar, it was my past, semuanya udah terjadi..gak boleh lagi ada penyesalan, gak boleh lagi ada keluhan. It was my choice, it was my decision, walopun gak semua keputusan yang gw ambil baik tapi bukan berarti keputusan lainnya juga buruk. No matter what, it all now become part of "Gie's life Book"
From there I learn, that I actually can do a lot more than what I can do now. I can sets my goal to a higher level, I can achieve more than what I had achieved before, I can be a much better person than who I am before. It's not only for everyone around me, my family and my friends, but most importantly for myself.
From there I learn, that I actually can do a lot more than what I can do now. I can sets my goal to a higher level, I can achieve more than what I had achieved before, I can be a much better person than who I am before. It's not only for everyone around me, my family and my friends, but most importantly for myself.
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