
Friday, December 30, 2011

Self Talking :p

Anyway, resolutions doesn't necessarily related to what will you do right? Resolutions could also means with what will you have right? *nanya maksa ;p

And because of that, my next year resolusi sepertinya akan lebih banyak ke "buang2 duit" deh..*gayaselangit :p Padahal2, baru aja posting pingin beli rumah, mobil and nabung..hadeeeh!! (scrolling ke bawah and ngebela diri dengan bilang...itu kan buang2 duit juga!)

Yang jadi masalah adalah, seandainya "buang2 duit" yang dimaksud itu untuk sesuatu yang bermanfaat, semisal untuk investasi sih gpp..tapi ini "buang2 duitnya" bener2 cuma yang printilan ajaa dan gada manfaatnya samsek selain kesenangan sesaat!

Entah kenapa (curcol), akhir2 ini lagi demen2nya belanja (who doesn't). Setiap ngeliat barang bagus langsung deh kebawa mimpi dan ujung2nya langsung dibeli *blaaah. Mending kalo yang dibeli bisa kepake semua, kadang2 barang yang akhirnya masuk ke lemari gw adalah barang2 yang suatu saat akan gw lihat dan bilang "what am i going to wear with this kind of stuff?!" So yes, i am an impulsive buyer...*smashing

It has to be stop somewhere!

Nah karena alesan itulah, resolusi gw tahun ini yang paling utama adalah berHEMAT. Gw bertekad untuk mengurangi ngopi2 gaul klo lagi gak gaul *apa sih bahasa gw!, ngurangi gaul2 yang suka nongkrong dicoffee shop gaul, kurangi beli2 baju dengan merk gaul, mengganti brand sepatu dengan merk yang less-gaul, hindari ngomongin hal-hal yang berbau gaul, macam "pergi kesini gaul loh!", "eh..udah pernah masuk club gaul inih belom?", "udah pernah nyobain makanan gaul ini? minuman gaul ini? snack gaul itu? yoghurt gaul ono?" pokoknya semua hal yang berbau gaul2-an deh yang pada akhirnya musti cost me a lot of money!!!

Taapiii...*switching defensive mode to ON! Masa orang udah cape2 kerja gak boleh seneng2 ma hasilnya?! Kan seneng juga seandainya bisa punya barang bagus hasil jerih payah sendiri, kan puas seandainya bisa pake baju bagus and feel comfortable with it. Karena jujur aja "duit kan kenal barang"-nyolong istilah Nyokap. Yang artinya ada harga ada rupa! Mau beli barang bagus, awet, nyaman, menarik, keren ya udah pasti ada harganya lah. Kecuali gw mau beli baju yang lagi-asyik-jalan2-ketemu-kembarannya-sangking-pasaran*ngelirik ke ITC :p Trus pake baju yang bahannya tetep panas walopun ada hujan, geledek and AC kantor udah 10PK (lebay). Well yang pasti gw gak akan ambil 2 pilihan terakhir karena syukur Alhamdulillah gw masih mampu untuk beli yang nyaman dipakai walopun walopun, it will cost me a bit :p

Intinya sih harus pinter2 ngatur cash flownya aja. Gw selalu menerapkan sistem on-off to shopping, artinya gw akan belanja habis2an di bulan pertama, nah 2-3 bulan lagi puasa deeh sambil gigit2 jari. Kalo window shoppingan aka ngemol-nya sih teteup buat refreshing, tapi yah musti cukup puash hanya dengan masuk ke fitting room and bilang "hhmm..gak pas mba" wkwkwkwkwkw (ketauuan deeeh triknya :p)

So still, shopping dan berhemat bener2 bagaikan pisau bermata 2, any side could be dangerous, bahaya hemat adalah gw jadi kemimpi2 ngebanyangin itu barang sampe gak bisa tidur *halah and bahaya shopping udah jelas bikin kantong kering kerontang :(

Jadi yah akhirnyaa resolusi hemat tetep dan resolusi beli ini-itu juga tetep :p for time being my shopping list ga bakalan jauh2 dari kebutuhan ngantor sih, so tetep beli sesuatu untuk menghasilkan sesuatu juga :p*teteeep nyari pembelaan..lalalalala

Motivate My Self :)

Couldn't find a better Motivational Words than this :)

Cheers - Gie XoXo

2011 Recap of "Gie's Life"! wkwkw

Hhhhmm..where should I start yaa? mustinya sih selalu dimulai dibulan Januari 2011 (yaiyalaah :p)

Di awal tahun 2011 isinya pasti selalu semangat, semangat dan semangat. And I started my January with a huge hopes, lots of resolusi, mau ini-mau itu, mau begini-mau begitu, nanti ngerjain ini-nanti ngerjain itu...pokoknya the list goes on and on.

Isi resolusinya sih simple and ga jauh-jauh dari pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup *dibaca: mau gaji naik, get promoted, pindah kerja, new challenges, new environment, new friends (later on, i complain about it). Trus lanjut ke; mau kurus, mau sehat, mau makan bener, mau istirahat cukup, mau giat olahraga and mau mulai makan buah dan sayur, berikutnya pingin jalan-jalan ke negeri ini, exploring negeri itu dan finally my biggest resolutions : pingin punya rumah, cukup rejeki untuk nyicil mobil and punya spare waktu untuk kuliah lagi!!! Amiin :)

The lists doesn't sounds that difficult unless the last list..but i know if i can achieve the first one, the last one will eventually follow...cemangat!

Mendekati bulan Maret, gw udah mulai kena penyakit galau gara2 gejala umur mau nambah! This is the moment where I began to think harder than before. I started to think the list of all the things I have done in my life, what will I do next in my growing age, what can I achieve in that stage of age and most importantly, what will be my boundaries in this age level!?! Sigh..i feel so old :((

Bulan berikutnya, umur gw udah jelas bertambah, mustinya sih gw udah menjadi lebih dewasa, lebih wise dan lebih kritis menghadapi semua masalah. But it appears it's not as easy as I thought. Ternyata umur ga selalu menjadi jaminan seseorang menjadi lebih dewasa, gw gak bilang diri gw kekanak-kanakan juga sih! Tapi buat gw, menjadi seseorang yang dewasa itu adalah Proses. Perjalanan hidup, cobaan hidup, masalah hidup, lingkungan dan keadaan disekelilingnya adalah hal2 yang menjadi bagian dari proses pendewasaan sesorang. Selama ini gw selalu melihat hidup gw serba positive, gw selalu meyakinkan diri gw bahwa seseorang diciptakan untuk punya jalan hidupnya masing2, what best for you doesn't necessarily the best for me and otherwise. Thats why, entah kenapa gw selalu merasa gw belum bener2 dihadapi pada situasi yang menuntut gw untuk menjadi dewasa, although I do make decisions, sometimes I also give solutions, but is that kind of attitude that what we called dewasa?? Up until now gw msih belum tau definisi dewasa, karena setiap gw dihadapi dengan masalah, i know how to solved it that means gw udah dewasa??!! *entahlaah :(

Beberapa bulan berikutnya, I began to realized that one of my resolutions fulfilled. I had the chance to expand my career, get a bigger income, find a new environment and meets new challenges. I couldn't stop saying Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT for rejeki dan berkah yang dilimpahkanNya. I'm a very lucky person indeed!

Another months goes by, I finally in the new environment, I met new challenges and I make new friends. But there's always consequences. With everything new happened, my life change a little bit (or maybe much), I realized big power comes in a big responsibilities! Thus, I almost had no time to have a "me-time", I nearly had no time to meet up with my friends and even to go home to see my parents and sister, I stressed easily and to be honest I became selfish! It is not a good thing to come up as a results for my great chances..but that's what really happened.

So in the following months, I began to ignore the rest of my resolutions and I only focused on what I do i.e working. I neglecting my health, I ignore my rest time, I try very2 hard to spend time with friends and family...Gosh, i know this is so not good :(

Until...I realized, I got slapped in the face (not literally :P) that I only live once, I knew that I have to put everything into it, but I also knew that I still have my family, I still need to be healthy, I still need my friends and I still need to socialize...thus everything changed, very very slooooowwwly until it reached end of the year of 2011.

Itu artinya, belum semua resolusi gw tercapai ditahun ini, lagi2 gw selalu punya pembelaan ke diri gw sendiri, gw selalu bisa meyakinkan diri gw (or even orang lain) untuk bisa memklumi semuanya and that gw punya alesan tepat untuk itu...*menghela nafas panjang!

Sooooo...setelah semua yang terjadi di tahun kemarin, gw akan coba untuk lebih realistis, mencoba ngejalanin semuanya dengan Bismillah, Allah SWT knows what best for me, gw akan berusaha menjadi orang yang lebih bersyukur lagi atas semuanya..menjadi orang yang lebih sadar bahwa hidup udah ada yang atur dan sadar bahwa harta yang tak terhingga itu adalah kesehatan.

Sounds sudah realistis kaaan??? Nah untuk urusan rumah, mobil and kuliah...AMIIIN aja dulu *sambil ngumpulin recehan plus ngurangin ngopi2 gaul :((

Closing In to The End of The Year 2011

Today, gw masih ngantor walopun kerjaan udah hampir2 gak ada. All of the Bosses udah pergi kemana2, so mau follow up kerjaan and tanda tangan juga udah pasti ke postpone semua..

Well, enaknya jadi executive asst ya gini inih, gw bisa nari2, joget2, lari2an dikantor kalo Bosses lagi gak ada semua..the office is mine :p

Tapiinya, tetep aja enak2 gak enak *paan sih bahasa gw! soalnya, mau bengong2 boring juga, mau jalan2 keluar kantor juga gak enak karena masih jam kerja, mau ngerumpi ngalor ngidul gada temennya..*kesian amat! sooo, situasi kantor kalo lagi last day gini bunyinya cuma...krikrikrik :(

Nah untuk bagian enaknya adalaah...gada yang baweel, gak perlu di-rush kerjaan, ga perlu ngurusin ini-itu, santai kaya dipantai. So seharian kerjaan gw cuma browsing2 aja deh di internet :p *karyawan macam apa ituh! Lagian ngapain juga sok2 sibuk kalo emang lagi santai, nanti pas beneran sibuk malah dipikir santai (suudjon aja gw)

Gw sih seneng2 aja klo kantor lowong kaya gini, karena gw jadi bisa update The Blog :p, ngebaca2in lagi apa aja yang udah gw posting for the past months (14 months to be exact). It's funny every time I remember how I finally decided to make this blog and writes everything on it. And it gets even funnier when I realized that I can read everything that had happened in my life. I always fascinated every time I flashback the moments and seeing every pictures of my life, try to remembering the trip and the experiences..Gosh!

Dan akhirnya gw sadar, it was my past, semuanya udah terjadi..gak boleh lagi ada penyesalan, gak boleh lagi ada keluhan. It was my choice, it was my decision, walopun gak semua keputusan yang gw ambil baik tapi bukan berarti keputusan lainnya juga buruk. No matter what, it all now become part of "Gie's life Book"

From there I learn, that I actually can do a lot more than what I can do now. I can sets my goal to a higher level, I can achieve more than what I had achieved before, I can be a much better person than who I am before. It's not only for everyone around me, my family and my friends, but most importantly for myself.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Short Day-Off Getaway

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday pluuus Happy "soon to come" New Year 2012...*lalalala

Senengnya dibulan ini banyak liburnya, contohnya Jumat tgl 23 Des and Senin tgl 26 Des kemarin, when most company gak ngeluarin collective leave buat pegawainya, but in my office...its a 4 days off in a row! Lotsa activities to do nih :)

Libur hari pertama which is Jumat kemarin, what i do is pulang kerumah, kebetulan si boss berbaik hati ngasi parcel, so without wasting of time i accepted with open hand..alhamdulillah :) but gw gak bisa lama2 dirumah, karena malamnya mau janjian sama Team Ber-C Pom2 di Berlian, seneeeng banget karena setelah sekian lama akhirnya bisa ketemuan lagi with Emoy and Shanti, but too bad Ecun and Sarah gak bisa join :(

Day-2 which is Sabtu, janjian sama Hera ke Grand Indonesia untuk window shopping plus nuker blazer Zara gw yang robek...yuups..Zara bisa robek juga ternyata..*hadeeh
Untungnya mereka bisa menerima penukeran selama jangka waktunya masih seminggu and ngebawa struk pembeliannya juga...*mine is lost, but since i argue..they ok with it :D
Enaknya lagi, IF blazer yang kita mau tuker udah keabisan size, mereka akan offering blazer dengan model lain seharga sama atau lebih mahal..untungnya (lagi) blazer yg mau gw tuker masih ada sizenya..yeaaay :)

"Tetep Narsis :p"

Kelar nuker blazer, kita makan dulu di Chatterbox Seibu, its my favorite place in GI, pertama karena makanannya lumayan enak dan gak mahal2 amat, kedua tempatnya nyaman and ketiga yang paling penting...its Smoking Area :))

With Heryunix :)

Kenyang makan, kita mau muter2 lagi, eh suddenly my eyes spotted something nice di manekinnya Forever 21, a dazzling bright awesome Red caught my eyes instantly, langsung ngecek and ngepasin and jatuuuuh cintaaa with it..gak pake mikir lagi, i bought it!

Ternyata nafsu belanjanya ga berhenti disitu, pas lagi lewat Karen & Chloe, again my eyes spotted something di dalem..a nice maroon pumps shoes..gak nahan, again i bought the shoes *tepokjidat

Cukup merasa bersalah karena belanja melulu plus GI juga udah mau tutup..*untuuunngg akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk spent the rest of the night di Social House with Nita and Sandra too..lovely night :)

Overall, my saturday night was awesome, shopping spree and BFF hangout xoxo

Sunday its a bit different story, early morning i went to LA to go home because its a "Family Hangout Time". We went to Margo, had lunch on Pawon Nyonya and shopped at Giant for monthly needs. Terakhirnya, lagi2 karena gak nahan, yang niatnya cuma mau beli celana panjang hitam buat kerja, eh ujung2nya malah beli pleated skirt jugaa..aaarrgh! Tadinya malah pingin beli satu dress silvery grey yang gw taksiir banget (udah nyoba2in juga malah) cuma karena mahal, gak diskon and i think i had enough shopping this gw tahan untuk tidak beli. Tapi emang dasar rejeki gak kemana, si Jeynong berbaik hati (tumben) ngasih surprise dengan ngebeliin gw dress yang gw suka itu..alesannya pdahal mau ke toilet..aaaahhhh makaasiiih my lovely uu emuach xoxoxo

What a great quality time with mom, dad and sist

Day 4 which is the last day of holiday its a pampering time, i woke up really early karena udah bikin appointment sama stylist salon Second Look di Bangka untuk service my hair extension, plus berencana untuk nambah 30 helai lagi :) Pas mau jalan pagi2 ternyata hujan deres, mau ga mau nunggu dulu sampe reda and baru jalan sekitar jam 12 siang.

Sampe disalon, first thing first adalah nyopotin satu-satu hair ext yang ada sebanyak 30 helai, prosesnya lumayan lama karena selain unclip stylishnya juga musti bukain kepangan gw yg kecil2 ini..once copot semua, gw lanjut ke creambath, kelar creambath and dikeringin baru mulai pasangin lagi satu-satu dengan clip yang baru...pluuuus nambah 30 helai lagi..gem to the por!

But the result is awesome, gw gak pernah ngerasain megang rambut sebanyak ini dikepala, it feels awkward, but the new hair, tebel and panjang :))

Penampakan abis nyalon :p

So thats the recap for my short day-off getaway, 4 hari yang padaaat but fun fun fun :))

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Selamat Hari Ibu..Ibu ;*

My Love to you Ibu..
Is Bigger than The World
Is Larger than The Universe
Is Wider than The Sky
Is Indescribably..................


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

HBD Desong

Happy Bday to You
Happy Bday to You
Happy Bday Dear Desooong
Happy Bday to You :)

All The Best..As Always..and danke for the amazing romantic dinner at Luna Negra ;)

Pluss..Happy Wedding Anniversary Pluss..Jangan lupa oleh2nya xoxo

Monday, December 19, 2011

Blazer Dazzler

I always consider my overall personal style not in a particular category...however, most of my friend marked me with casual and kinda boyish style..and to be honest, I'm agree with that :D

For me, all the flowing, laces, girlish things are really not my forte...That's why I choose structured tailored outfit to fits in my style.

One outfit that will work absolutely good on me is Blazer. Blazer is one of those clothing items that will never go out of style, and it can changes the whole outfit into feminine or masculine, depends on what items you will add to it.

Yesterday, i gone crazy and bought 4 blazers in a day..yeaap! Crazy as hell coz i couldn't stand seeing all those lovely blazers. It surely cost me a lot, but i love it :)

Tuxedo Style Blazer - Zara
Love the Colar details ;)

Pinstripes Blazer - Zara
Love the buttons details, the cutting. Its edgy, casual and modern in it ;)

Coloured Blazer - Bershka
Its cheap and i do need a grey blazer in my collections..its a best buy ;)

The other one is The Green Animal Print Blazer - N.Y.L.A
Bought barengan sama Mpina and Hera, iseng diracunin sama mereka..pdhal seumur2 gak pernah kepengenan beli Blazer gonjreng gitu..But ternyata ok juga dipakein Jeans :p

My Green Leopard blazer...*macan koq ijoooo!!!

Monday - "My" Day ;)

:inlove:Happy Monday..Semangat and Bismillah

Friday, December 16, 2011

Navy Blue Bag

Honestly, gw udah lama banget pingin punya tas warna Navy Blue, tapi selalu gak nemu yang model dan warnanya cucok and sreg. Well sebenernya sih banyak yang bagus2, tapiiii...harganya muaahaaaal booow! Mostly yang bagus2 itu branded bener yang orang bilang "ada harga ada rupa" *tepokjidatelus2dadageleng2kepala!

Berhubung gw pingin tas warna ini cuma untuk matching2in my sepatu, alhasil gatel deh mesen sama temen yang jualan Online di FB...Harganya muraaah meriah and lebih enaknya lagi bisa dibayar abis gajiaaan donk..yeeaaayyy menari

Insya Allah kalo ada rejeki lagi plus tabungan nambah..baru deh beli yang "beneran" malu

Marc Jacobs

Juicy Couture

Balenciaga......*Drolliiingggggggg ::(

Hermes....*mimpi boleeh doonk :tsk:

Dream BIG :astig:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kalo Rejeki gak Kemana...yeaay!!

Alhamdulillah...setelah sekian lama cuma bisa ngeliatin sambil terngiler2, akhirnya punya juga...and lebih Alhamdulillahnya lagi...i got it for Free :)

:woooh:Thank you Boss :):woooh:

BlackBerry 9860 Torch is the one phone that will leave you awestruck. The glamorous design along with the smart applications will definitely make your life beneficial. Do you want to be on the top? If yes, grab this wonderful BlackBerry 9860 Torch in the outstanding black color because you worth the best for yourself.

The TFT capacitive touchscreen of BlackBerry 9860 Torch is 3.7 inches in size that means 480 x 800 pixels. The broad display renders 16 million colors. Furthermore, it measures 120 x 62 x 11.5 mm along with the weight of 135 grams. Furthermore, the Optical trackpad of BlackBerry 9860 Torch is further accompanied with the facilities of the Multi-touch input method, Proximity sensor for auto turn-off and Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate.

With BlackBerry 9860 Torch, users can enjoy high- speed connectivity with the world. The phone is supportive of the GPRS, EDGE, WLAN and 3G. These alternatives are advantageous that will let you have easy and fast access. Moreover, Bluetooth and USB are the two data transmission facilities, letting you have a struggle free transfer.

With BlackBerry 9860 Torch, users can avail the 5-MP snapper, which is capable of exhibiting 2592х1944 pixels image resolution. Users can get to enjoy the features of the auto focus, geo-tagging, continuous auto-focus, image stabilization and face detection with the help of this stupefying camera.

Moreover, you are allowed to enjoy some of the messaging alternatives like viz. SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM and BBM 6. These choices will let you avail a long chitchat with your friends and family. Hence, it is time to be connected with the world that too with an ease and comfort.

Other than the above-discussed aspects, users can also get to use the wonderful applications like the NFC support, Digital compass, Social feeds, BlackBerry maps, Document viewer (Word, Excel and PowerPoint), Organizer and Voice memo/dial. You can also play some of the games that are preinstalled in BlackBerry 9860 Torch, allowing you to have an entertaining life.

The Standard battery, Li-Ion 1230 mAh of BlackBerry 9860 Torch supports immense battery backup such as the stand-by up to 330 hours (2G) / up to 320 hours (3G) along with the talk time up to 4 hours and 40 minutes (2G) / up to 6 hours and 50 minutes (3G). Furthermore, BlackBerry 9860 Torch supports music play up to 44 hours.

:inlove:SOOO AGREEE!!! :inlove:

Courtesy of : FreePhoneContracts