
Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Holaa all, 

Gak kerasa hari ini udah tanggal 30 Juli aja..satu hari lagi menuju bulan Agustus dan beberapa hari lagi menuju hari kemenangan Idul Fitri.

Ngomong2, persiapan apa aja nih yang udah kalian lakukan untuk menyambut hari Lebaran? be honest, nothing. Lebaran tahun ini somehow berasa beda banget dengan lebaran tahun lalu. Dimana tahun lalu segala sesuatunya serba berlebihan dan berlimpah (Alhamdulillah) tapi tahun ini, semuanya berbalik 180 derajat. Apa yang sebelumnya gw pikir akan bisa gw dapetin setiap tahun, ternyata hanya terjadi cukup sekali saja. No more kiriman sembako berdus2, no more bouquet berbiji2 dan no more kue berloyang2 dari kantor gw yang lama itu (hahaha..masih ngarepss :p)

But well, it's always been my decision and I don't want to complaint, malahan gw menganggap ini suatu pelajaran bahwa kita gak akan pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Semua yang kita nikmatin saat ini, bisa suatu saat berubah dan hilang dari kehidupan kita. Thus i realized kalo roda hidup itu berputar. What ever goes up, will goes simple is that.

Tapi yaudahlahyah, itu kan selalu yakin bahwa rejeki ndak akan tertukar, mungkin keadaan kali ini tidak berlimpah ruah seperti tahun lalu, tapi setidaknya apa yang gw miliki saat ini semuanya serba cukup. 

It's funny how Allah SWT things work. Gw sampe sekarang gak pernah menyangka, bahwa semua yang gw bayangkan tahun lalu, bener2 beda dari kenyataannya sekarang. Semuanya seperti sudah diatur, kostan yang baru, kerjaan yang baru, temen2 yang baru, rejeki yang baru, pengalaman hidup yang baru dan terutama waktu kosong yang selama ini gak pernah gw punya, akhirnya ada, dan yang membuat gw banyak berfikir dan merenung bahwa ternyata gw sangat2 beruntung. Im very lucky ..Alhamdulillah..

Gw hanya berharap dimasa kedepannya, apapun yang akan terjadi, gw akan selalu berfikir bahwa Allah SWT jelas lebih tau mana yang terbaik buat gw..Amiin Ya Allah.

Nail Polish Haul - OPI Jinx Liquid Sand & Innie Minnie Mighty Bow

Hola all...hope you have a funtastic Tuesday ahead!

This time I am going to write about my other nail polishes haul. So besides Essie, I also bought two new red and orange shades nail polishes from OPI. As you can see, I'd posted the swatches on my Instagram @gie_dazzling.

I know it's so late to post about liquid sand nail polishes, but I just have to. I just wanted to share how much I love it in real life after seeing the swatches only on the internet! 

Liquid sand nail polish is a jelly base glitter polish that when you apply it to your nails, it looks like a jelly polish with glitter in it. However, it dries to a matte, grainy, sandy and rough finish. Sounds cool hu'uh? And my first liquid sand nail polish is called Jinx from the Bond Girls Collection. It consists of six liquid sand polishes, but this one that caught my eyes the most.

Jinx is a bright red-orange with lots of gold and microglitters. The color is just stunning. The formula -as any other OPI polishes- was great. It took only two coats to get the full opacity and no top coat is needed!

Second nail polish is called OPI Innie Minnie Mighty Bow from OPI Couture de Minnie collection. It's a classic candy apple red with strong red and golden micro shimmer for added dimension. The color is very vibrant and extremely saturated. It's completely a different red shade compare to my other red nail polishes. 

I'm so glad to bought these two and add them into my ever-growing nail polishes stash :D

My First Essie Nail Polishes - Avenue Maintain & Naughty Nautical Mini Set

I cannot sleep. It's 6am in the morning yet I cannot closed my eyes even for a while. As you know I'm still off-working and enjoying what being called enjoyable-long-leave, thus I never worried to wake up late, even until past twelve..haha (gak beneer iniiih)

Back to the subject lol. After checking my archives, I just realized that I haven't bought any nail polishes since February 13. Geez, its almost 5 months ago. I believe I've missed so many great collections. But since I'm only a Nailpolish junkie-wanna be, i'm not that sad if i missed one or two or even hundreds of great new collections. I'm sure I can always buy them at later time.

During almost 5 months nail polish haul hiatus, around several weeks ago I started to order nail polish again. This time I thinking about buying different brand and that brand was Essie!

Essie is the must-have in nail care. Essie’s multiple prize winning formula is known for its “no-chip” properties, assuring perfect long-lasting coverage. A charming whimsical and distinct name is given to each color to show-off the personality captured by this color.

The brand is so famous amongst nail polish junkie, and I guess I'm the last person who happened to realize it far too long. When everyone has had hundreds of their collections, I've just started thinking to collecting them since last month. *shame on me*

And my first Essie nail polishes was Essie Avenue Maintain from the Madison Ave-Hue collection. It's a medium sky blue shade with cream finish. I never think that I would love this kind of shade, but that chic Parisian blue just caught my eyes and I instantly fell in love with it.

The formula was great, although in my opinion the consistency was a little bit too thick, thus it's a bit trickier to apply than my other nail polishes, but it's still easy. It gave perfect coverage only in 2 coats. The dry time was okay and pretty long lasting. I just got several minor chipped on top of my nails after more than 5 days and after doing the dishes *no complaint to that, though! 

As always, I ordered the nail polish through online shopping at MP-FD Lena, since they're not available yet here in Indonesia.

My upcoming Essie nail polish would be the Summer 2013 Naughty Nautical Mini Set collection, which I hope will be arrived soon in few more days. I decided to buy this because of the pretty shimmer and only just one set, I can get 4 awesome colors to try on. I can't wait!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Like a B26!

Hi All, 

Yang lagi berpuasa, sudah kelar sahurkah? kalo bisa, please stay awake a little longer and wait for subuh to come and jangan lupa do the subuh pray yaa. After that..silahkeun dilanjut bobo2 cantiknya.

Me? berhubung gada kerjaan, alhasil gw udah menjelma jadi manusia kalong yang cuma bisa merem ketika matahari udah nangkring dengan yeah..I'm not sleepy at all rite now. In fact, I can even do a blog post!

Post kali ini cuma mau cerita2 betapa seru dan hebohnya temen2 kostan gw yang baru ini. Each person came from a different background, which means they all have a different character as well. I cannot mention person to person, but to my opinion, everyone complements to each other. 

Ada yang talkative, ada yang passive, ada yang aggressive dan ada yang impulsive. They're all unique in their own ways. As for myself, I can always become anything depends on the needs and situations. Even long before I moved to the new kostan, I've always been appointed as person in charge for every kostan event, gathering, hangouts and even break fasting together. I dunno if it's because my natures, or its because I'm the oldest (though, Im not proud of it -__-). It's seems they all understand that I loved being in charge. Likewise in the new kostan!

I love arranging things, organizing people and of course gathering people to know one another. It is fun how most of us can get together pretty well. We all can mingle and laughed at any kind of jokes. Thus no wonder if I mostly spent my weekend with some or most of them.

Especially during this holy month, where we always wake up for sahur together and sometimes did iftar outside our kostan. It was fun indeed!

Our first Girls Night Out.

Our first karokoe time and closing-an :p

During fasting month and farewell Gani Si anak Medan :(

Such a short period of time, yet there are so many story has been shared amongst us. I do hope our friendship will last forever.

Btw, rata2 dari kita berasal dari luar Pulau Jawa. Ada si wong kito gilo, ada si Nasution dan ada si Papilaya yang ternyata aslinya adalah keturunan Jawa dan India *rollingeyes*. For me, that's a good news, karena pasti akan banyak oleh2 mudik dari mereka semua nanti (ngareps ya cyiint).

Weekly Recap - July #4

Ahhhh, aku melu deeh..bulan ini postingan longkap-longkap gak kira-kira. Dari weekly recap #1, tau2 udah weekly recap #4 ajuaah. #2 & #3 nya maneeeeh?!

Well, to be frank, being so-called off-work person, gw jadi kebablasan rajin begadang nih. Hampir tiap hari dari awal puasa sampe detik ini, ndak pernah absen tidur setelah langit terang (dibaca - jam 7am keatas) Bad..Bad! I know..tapi gimana duonk, secara temen2 kostan udah ketergantungan ma gw untuk ngebangunin mereka sahur, alhasil gw jadi kepikiran kalo seandainya gw sampe ketiduran (care cekalih). So itung2 nambah pahala, gw gak worried deh kalo mata sampe berubah jadi mata panda..demi ituuh..demi!

Dan, itu adalah salah dua alesan gw ndak bisa posting2, karena gw selalu bangun tengari bolong, alhasil mau kemana2 juga udah males, nah kalo gak kemana2, udah tentu gak ada juga yang menarik buat diceritain bukan?! Intinya siih, emang gada yang menarik in my daily life recently.

Speaking of which, another reason why I rarely post anything is because; gw akan lebih banyak posting tentang haul ajuaah. Lama2 ndak enak juja kalo post isinya cuma nafsu konsumerisme doank, rasanya menyesal gimanaa gituuh. Yah abis hiburan dikostan kan cuma internet kenceng and processor lappy yang ngacir. Awalnya niat gw cuma mau blogwalking, eh ujung2nya ngecek FD daaaaan tau2 nyasar ke forum2 racun yang ujung2nya mengarahkan gw ke MP yang pada pasang judul thread SALE segede2 bagong! Kelar deh tuh semua urusan menguras tabungan dan dompet!

Padahaal, mulai kerja aja belumaan, eh ini udah spending2 (bilangnya sih untuk menyambut kerjaan baru - tapi mustinya gak gitu juga kaleeee) Yaudahlahyah, jadi nyesek nih ngebayanginnya..apalagi pas kemarin ngobrol2 ma si Celz, ya koq gw malah pingin cancel aja itu PO di lapak (pengen di BLACKLIST Gie!!)

Wokeeeh, guess I blabbering waaay tooo much! Can we just on to the recap then!

On My Life
I always imagining my life as a remarkable life. I wouldn't complaint no matter what had happened. Mau seberapa sedih, senang dan kecewa, gw selalu menganggap itu sesuatu yang akan jadi bagian dari story of my life. Thus my life will always be LEGEN...wait for it...DARY!

On My Health
Alhamdulillah si sakit pinggang udah mulai berkurang nyerinya, tapi kapan waktu batuk2, tetep berasa ngilu disebelah kanan. Well, mungkin gw akan coba ngecek sekali lagi to ensure my self. Meanwhile, I just got a cold. I've been sneezing all day long. Maybe it's because lack of sleep (yaeyalah) and lack of vitamins -__-  also, I think i'm about to have a sorethroath nih, nelen udah ndak enaaak...(hadeeuh..koq ringkih amat ini bodyh) *buru2 nelen esterc sekali 2*

On Spending My Weekend
Went here and there with bunch of friends, mostly with my kostan friends. Where to? where else if it's not to the MALL! Especially prior to the Ied Fitri celebrations. Who wouldn't want to check what kind of kaftan style for this year is and how much would it be (ketauan banget deh). Although at the end I didn't buy any kaftan at all, and ended up buying other than what has been planned for *sigh. 

On Trying To Do a New Thing
I Cook. I literally went to the kitchen, slicing something and cook *for serious* This was something I never did for years...You don't believe it? Neither do I, but somehow I did. It was all my kostan idea. She just had this kind of awkward mind to cooking for iftar menu last weekend. So she went to the market, bought pasta, mushroom and so on and asked my other kostan friend to helped her out in the kitchen, including me of course! So there I am, standing gawky in the kitchen without knowing what to do. Until she asked me to slice sausages. Hahahah...seriously, I hardly remember when was the last time I ever touch a knife and cut/slicing something. But she made me do it and I can't help myself to keep giggling while slicing. LAME -I Know-
To my surprise, being in the kitchen was not a bad thing at all, especially when you're with bunch of rempong besties that mostly just messing the kitchen instead of cooking in orderly. LOL

On Exercise(s)
Haaaaaa...during this fasting month, I must say Good Bye to gym and kostan swimming pool. Gak ada tenaganya booo. Padahal yaaa, niatnya setelah buka pingin ramean ngegym setengah jam buat ngebakar kalori makanan berbuka yang penuh gula dan karbohidrat itu. Tapi teteuup ya ceu, rencana tinggal rencana. Wong abis makan bawaannya malah lemes dan ngantuk duluan! Jadii, setelah puasa harus back to normal lagi niih..half hour a day minimum pokoknya! *pasangikatkepala*

Selebihnya? Menunggu hari kemenangan datang tanpa ada tanda2 transferan THR (hahahaha..ketawa miris karena ngareps). But it's okay, rejeki gak akan kemana bukan? Sooo..ada yang mau transfer THR ke sayaaah?? *ngareps duakali*

Met Berpuasa dan semoga lancar puasanya yaaaaa....

End - 06.00

Friday, July 19, 2013

Addicted to Zara - Fashion Haul

I love love love Zara!

That line can definitely defines my passion for their chic and super gorgeous collections. Especially when I'm so head over heels for their adorable blazers. Personally, I don't think there are any other clothing lines that able to create and produced such a lovely and very detailed blazer like Zara did.

Sounds like another Zara-centric post. Yes, I admit it that I am weak when it comes to their superb summer blazer collections. I just feel that I have to have them all (only if i could).

After having more than 30 blazers which 20 of them are Zara. I don't think it's a sin to have more new staples to my working wardrobe. As I mentioned earlier, I love blazers so much because its such a versatile pieces than can be worn over everything from jeans to trousers and can instantly add polish to your whole ensemble.

As for this summer, again, I cannot hold my self to order their pre-sale blazer, blouse, t-shirt and trousers collections. And as a result, I will be expecting these new babies to come into my wardrobe very very soon ^^.

Another black blazer? Why not. Shouldn't we all have had at least more than 3 black blazers, don't we?! 

Personally, I never like this kind of an eye-turner blazer, but it was on sale and it's summer, so I am justifying this as my summer and -one not to be missed- blazer :D 

I fell in love with this blazer at first sight so much so that I actually doesn't care if the color wouldn't compliments my not-so-bright skin tone, or worst, if it's going to make me look even dull. But, that color..come'on, who could resist such a beautiful, cool and soft baby blue color like that? Cause I can't!

I've been wanting this trousers for months, but I hesitate if I will ever gonna wear it. It does looks simple, but when I try it, it really gives a slightly "bigger thigh" vision on me. But hell, it was on sale, and I think it will be a great mix-match to my black blazer. Deal done! 

When I first saw below pic of upcloseandstylish ( I followed her IG btw) I knew that I got to have it and -perhaps- I can pull it off as good as her. But guess I forgot one thing, that her killer body and legs were no match to mine *crying out loud*
PS : Now's the time to hunt for the black blouse and the navy blazer!

Finally I can own this blouse on a sale price. As in Indonesia, the price for this blouse cost around IDR. 600.000,- / USD 30 Not that too worthy only for a blouse. But, since it's on 50% discount, I think it's worthy. 

When I find something I love, I tend to buy more than one color. And since I already had the white version of this and I like it, then why not buy another different color.

I love wearing three quarter sleeves blouses, and this one is no exception. Since it's blue, I think I am going to pair it with my baby blue blazer above.

I don't own many sweatshirt and this one seems unique, especially with its pocket and back design.

Simple yet very eye-catchy, thanks to its shoulder detailing.

Just love it!

Geez, I shop a lot of black tops, though it's summer. But well, nothing can ever go wrong with black.

So there you are, my -this month only- recent fashion hauls. I do hope they will arrive soon at my kostan, because I can't wait to wear them all.

Happy Fasting All ^^


Currently In Lust with LUSH!

Holla all,

Mumpung lagi produktif nulis (gegara pageviews *tsah) kali ini gw mau sharing about my recently craving skincare products.

Lately, I've been so fond of using Lush Products. Okay, okay..I know I'm sooo telat banget! Tapi gw ndak menyesal kalo akhirnya rasa penasaran dan kepo gw membuahkan hasil juga. And I can swear that I loveee them to bits! 

Berawal dari product Mask of Magnaminty ukuran kecil yang hasilnya nendang, mujarob dan ampoh di kulit gw itu, sekarang gw sudah mulai merambah jajal2 ke produk2 Lush yang lain. Untuk saat ini, ada 4 produk Lush yang masih rutin terpakai dan diirit2 makenya tiap hari. So without further ado, mari eke jelasin satu2 ya cyint.

Dibeli karena :
Mau bikin my baby-hair type terlihat lebih mengembang, bervolume dan tebal.
Fungsinya :
A stimulating treatment for people with thin or fine hair.
Fine hair needs careful looking after – and this treatment is packed full of ingredients to revitalize from root to tip.
Ingredients :
Starting with three kinds of mint to stimulate the scalp and hair follicles, olive oil to give condition and strength, honey to soften and soothe and nettle absolute for shine.  We’ve topped this off with a delicate perfume containing sweet orange oil, neroli and grapefruit oil all known to be cheerful and uplifting.  Together these are the foundations to build great hair. ( I AM SOLD!)
Cara Pakai :
Digunakan sebelum berkeramas (I used it 2-3 times a week). Dioleskan keseluruh kulit kepala sambil dipijat2 dan biarkan kurleb 30mnts dan cuci seperti biasa.
Harganya : For 225g kurleb 300rban.
My Review :
I love IT! Entah karena suggesti or anything, tapi perbedaannya lumayan terasa signifikan. Rambut jadi berasa lebih bervolume karena gak lepek/greasy. Dan waktu kemarin ke salon, si kapsternya sempet bilang kalo banyak rambut baru tumbuh in my head. So yeah, I'm soo happy. Apalagi wanginya juga seger terus pas dipake juga ada sensasi calming mint gitu di kulit kepala.
Repurchase : Obviously.

Dibeli karena :
Mau bikin power combo bersama2 dengan si Roots untuk membuat rambut sayah tebal dan mengembang. 
Fungsinya : 
Reincarnate is specially made to put life and shine into dark hair, making it look healthy and bursting with rich, natural-looking colour. Whether you’re a natural brunette or need a little assistance to go over to the dark side, Reincarnate is the shampoo to choose to keep your colour looking vibrant.
Ingredients :
Reincarnate is made with the best Persian red henna.  And added plenty of rhassoul mud, which is a natural cleanser and great for keeping the skin in tip-top condition, giving you a healthy scalp and lovely healthy hair.
Cara Pakai : 
Berhubung shampoo ini unik karena berbentuk solid aka bukan cair. Maka setelah membasahkan rambut, coba gosok2 shampoo ini ditangan sampai sedikit berbusa then apply onto your wet hair. Busanya memang tidak akan bisa terlalu banyak -which is good and I'm fine with it, as it doesn't take me forever to washed it- diamkan beberapa saat dan bilas as always.
Harganya : For the smallest cut of 100g it cost me around 100rb+ ( i forgot the exact pricenya)
My Review :
Until now, I still feel uncomfortable with its earthy, herbally smell. But considering it works like a wonder, I can finally bear with it and guess I'm getting to started to like it. Untuk awal2nya rambut pasti terasa lebih kering, tapi setelah beberapa kali pemakaian, hasilnya ok juga koq. Belum terlihat secara signifikan sih, tpi yang pasti rambut jadi gak gampang lepek dan anti-greasy. 
Repurchase : I might want to try their other solid shampoo, so just finished this one first.

Dibeli karena :  
Saya banci body-butter, handbody or apapun yang berhubungan dengan melembabkan kulit. Thus when I read its review, I knew I had to have it.
Finished off with Simon’s new Rose Jam scent, this product leaves you soft and smelling like a rose bush being kissed by the first rays of morning sun.
Packed full of ingredients to feed and nourish the skin; argan oil, cocoa butter, cupuaçu butter, brazil nut oil, almond oil and fair trade shea butter.
Cara Pakainya
Di olesin ketika selesai mandi dan badan masih basah, diamkan beberapa saat lalu dibilas. Setelah itu keringkan pakai handuk dengan cara di pat2 (free translations ala Gie!)
Harganya : Lumayan mehong saudara2. Untuk ukuran 225g kalo dikurs ke rupiah jadi kena 400rb lebih.
My Review :
At first, me don't like it at all. I found that the rose smell doesn't too appealing. IMO, it feels like an old rose powder fragrance.  Menyesal deh udah beli mehong2 taunya gak kepake samsek gini. Until mau ga mau ya musti gw pake juga bukan cyint! Dan mulai terbiasalah pake ini sampe akhirnya jadi bener2 addicted sama wanginya. Seriously, I can stand all day long at the shower if I can get to smell it. It's soo calming and soo sweet. Hasilnya juga ok begete. Kulit jadi berasa lebih kenyal, lembab dan wangiiiiiii...
Repurchase : Definitely

Dibeli karena :
Purely Penapsaran. Yups, i realize that i don't have too much problem with dry lips or sorta. So the main reason I bought this was simply because of a curiosity. I've read and watched so many reviews about this thing, and I said to my self, why not giving it a try then.
Fungsinya :
Clears dead skin and flakiness from lips, leaving them moisturised and smooth.
Ingredients :
Our lip scrub are made from castrol sugar to act as a gentle scrub and jojoba oil to be wonderfully moisturising but light enough not to leave you feeling greasy.
Cara Pakai :
Just gently scrub it onto your lips.
Harganya : Small jar of 25g cost me around Rp. 104.000,-
My Review :
I kinda liked it though. Walopun setelah baca2 review nya lagi, banyak yang bilang kalo ini ga worthed dan too over-priced. Karena kita bisa dapetin hasil yang sama cukup dengan pakai sikat gigi lembut, madu dan olive oil. But hey, where else can i get that oh-so-yummy bubblegum smell if isn't from Lush. So i wouldn't complaint at all. For me, it's worth every penny.
Repurchase : This little jar goes along way, so i guess it will last for awhile.

The next Lush product that I've been expecting to come are Ocean Salt, BIG Shampoo and another Mask of Magnaminty huge jar! Can't wait to have them soon...

Ciao ;)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

100k Pageviews :)))

OMG, I dont believe it, is it for real? Is what i'm looking of true? My pageviews has been hitting 100.000+ views...awaaawaaww..I'm super duper excited ^^.

I can't believe that I've been blogging since 3 years ago. Maybe for some people that number doesn't sounds "awesome" as I've been blooginf for years, yet I only reached 100k. But the hell, I'm proud of myself. 

I never even thought that I would want to continue blogging after some frustration and hopeless phase cause of lack of ability to writing on the first year, but hell..I keep doing it though and as time goes by, to me, blogging is always been my personal expression!

It doesn't matter if no one understand what I write and it doesn't matter if what I write may not be oh-so-inspiring to other people, because what matter the most to me is that I keep on doing it, I like doing it and that I want to learn to be better on it.

And after few years, who would've thought that there are some people who looking at my blog! *biggrin*

Not like some other pro-advance and senior bloggers, I already feel super delighted even its only hits 100k. I cannot imagine if I can finally reached a Mio pageviews! Geez, it will took another 27 years do'oh -_____________________-

Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Recap - July #1

Alhamdulillah, I'm done with my sahur and it's time to wait for Subuh Pray. While waiting for it, I think it's better if I start to post another weekly recap (akhirnya!) It's been quite a long time I haven't post about weekly recap! Frankly speaking, I felt too overwhelmed with lots of thoughts, plans, ideas, what-to-do(s) on my head. As you may probably know, I've been out-of-work for this several weeks. Don't ask why, because it was my decision, and honestly speaking, Insya Allah I would never regret it. I do believe 'rejeki tidak akan tertukar" and selama kita terus berusaha dan berdoa, Insya Allah juga semuanya akan menjadi baik!

So yeah, one of the reasons I skipped so many weekly recap is because of that; I don't have enough story to tell because there's nothing to be told. My daily life was so-so. I spent most of my 'santai' day by staying at new kostan, browsing here and there, going out with him or her, and helping out BBP on his project; like went to this super fancy home decor store and raising my eye brows every time he asked me to buy that "not-so-picturesque" coffee table for a price of my kostan rent for a year! Blaaah! But well, I kinda liked it though. I think it's quite interesting. I learned a lot from BBP's job, I understand a little bit about how to make RAB for interior design project, I learned how to negotiate the curtains price and I also get the chance to know that there are sooo many "unreasonable-price" furniture out there, which surprisingly salable. Other than that, sorry to disappoint you..but, it was all boring! 

But then again, if I start to write another weekly recap, it could be mean something aite? whether I finally had a story to be told or I experienced something enticing. Both, I must say. I feel like I wanna write everything right now. 

So let's give it a start then!

On My Life
"Eventually all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment and know everything happens for a reason"
"Sometimes we need to thanked for one closed door as it will leads us to a new open door"
"When someone shows faith in you, you feel like you are worth it. Which is why when we are encouraged, we all blossom.
"If you never challenge yourself, you will never know your potential"

On My Health
Alhamdulillah semoga selalu sehat yaa..bhuuhbhuuh *suara nyembur* Amiin. So far my complaint was never been far from low back pain. I've checked to a good -Harvard Uni Graduated- Doctor at Rumah Sakit Jakarta the other day, and after several examinations and rontgen' results, he said that my spinal column was okay and that there's nothing wrong with my bone structure nor the spinal cord. So it's actually only because of my incorrect postures! The way I sit and the way I stand that can also trigger the LBP. Thus, starting from there I began to sit and standing straight. I also started to doing some stretching exercises such as pilates and yoga. Not much, just once or twice a week, but regularly. I do hope it works...Amiin (lagi)

On  My Social Life
I've done plenty of hangouts! (AGeJeH) Yeaah, being so-called-out-of-work-person does feels so great. I meant, when else can I get a chance slept and woke up super late if not being that person?! When else can I go out without worrying that my boss will suddenly call me just to check his flight (which I already reminded him several minutes ago) or when else can I do mall hopping, groceries hunting or even window shopping on a weekday if I am not that person?! So, I am glad with what ever decision I made. Although I realized that the laid back and the leisurely feeling wouldn't last forever. Sooner or later, I will miss all the manic-monday feeling, the morning routines, the deadlines (really?!!) and those 'at wits end' chores. And most importantly, I will miss my working attire, my lovely blazers! But I believe that it doesn't last forever either. Insya Allah, everything I miss will soon be coming true. *crossing my fingers* Until then, I will make time for my besties and brady bunchs as much as possible I can.

On Make Me Happy
Do I really need to explain this? seriously? you want to know? hokay..what makes me happy? shopping, get new things, owning dreaming things, surrounded by lovely friends, family gathering and of course seeing my parents healthy. But I'm not gonna to talk about that one by one though. Cause what I want to explain in here is just my passion for doing online shopping (not-to-be-followed) Recently I've been receiving so many new things from my previous mini hauls. Clothing, cosmetics, skincare even shoes. Geez, I spent quite a lot for this month only and I guess it wouldn't stop in a near time, as I am still on the hunt for that gorgeous, gorgeous, MK Hamilton Red Bag and the Zara Tartan Blazer. I've been dreaming about the bag for several days, thus it's so obvious that I really want it badly. So if somebody would ever care to ask (if) what makes me happy -for now- it's definitely if I can get those 2 dream items on my hands, right now, right this instance! *sepele amat ya itemnya..LOL*

On My New Activity
I don't dare to commit myself for any long-term commitment right now. I've had so many things going on in my head. Therefore, I really need to rethink and reconsidered everything all over again. But, for now on, taking that after office or weekend classes would not be a good decision! So, my new activity is as simple as mall hopping and searching furniture for BBP projects ajuaah :D

On My Future Wishes
Insya Allah, next month I'll be joining one of the well-esteemed construction company from US that just been established in Indonesia. I definitely have a lot of hopes in this new promising career path. Thus, I will surely carry out my biggest effort to it. So wish me luck ya...AMIN!

 Caiyoo Gie!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ramadhan Kareem!

Holaa semuanya...

Pasti sebagian masih pada tidur deh yaa (yaeyalah secara sekarang jam 2 pagi -__-) Well, gw ndak bisa tidur nih, gegara terlalu semangat mau sahur pertama, alhasil rela deh begadang daripada kebablasan!

Oiyaa, sebelum cuap2nya makin panjang, gw mau ngucapin selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa yaa..semoga ibadah puasa kita lancar dan semua amal2nya diterima oleh Allah SWT. Amiiin

Lanjuuut! Jadiii, hari ini gw gagal mau sahur pertama kali dirumah orang tua :( well, niat pergi sih udah ada dari tadi siang, tetapi pas sorenya hujan turun gak kira-kira. Deres, geledek, macet, banjir dan stuck dimana-mana..pleees..gak ada taksi yang bisa jemput gw dikostan. So, bisa dipastikan gw musti minta maaf lebih awal ke nyokap karena kelewatan sahur pertama kali lagi dirumah. (i'm sure my mom will understand)

Well anyway, akhirnya kelar juga utang posting gw tentang jalan2 ke SBY dan Malang (emang ada yang nagih?) Puas deh rasanya bisa ngepost lagi di blog yang hampir terbengkalai ini. Nah kelar cerita tentang trip singkat dan gak padat itu, mustinya gw mulai terinspirasi donk ya untuk post yang lain2 lagi? Tapi salah saudara2, because up until now, i feel totally blank for the next post. Too much to write and too much to tell. I really have no idea where and what to start. Geez!

Padahal materinya banyak. Like for this several weeks, I got new cosmetics coming to play around and to experiment with. And, I also received several new clothing from my previous online hauls and I was also attending several events and meet ups with bunch of friends. But still, I really dont know how to start even just one single paragraph! Sucks! wonder I prefer to post picture on Instagram rather than posting on blog. Because everyone's agree that Picture speaks a thousand words...

Sekian dan terima kasih

*ditulis ketika mata setengah watt dan kepala pusing mikirin makanan buat sahur! -harap maklum-*

Trip to Malang with My Familia - Day 4 (Back to Jakarta)

Agenda hari ke-4 sudah tentuw kembali ke kampung halaman aka Back to the chaotic town of Jakarta!

Setelah sarapan, kita ke kamar untuk ngecek sekali lagi barang2 jangan sampe ada yang tertinggal and continued with check-out.

I must admit that we're all very pleased staying at Havana Hotel. It's super clean and very convenience too. I highly recommend this hotel, especially when I know it's a refurbished building, hence everything seems spotless and fresh. I liked it.

Our plane boarded at 2pm. Since the distance from hotel to airport is very near (only half an hour drive) thus, we still have time to go around the hotel once more and then finally, took a cab that brings us straight to the Abdul Rahman Saleh Airport.

I was very surprised when I saw the airport. It's quite small for so-called-an-airport. There's only one major big building with only one entry for security checking line. On the inside, there were only 4 check-in counters which 2 of them are closed due to lunch hours. So you can imagine, how jam-packed it was! 

After paying for a very-cheap airport tax, we headed to another security checking line, then we wait for about an hour before we finally boarding.

I chose Citilink for our return trip from Malang. The reason I chose this well because for one it's a new established domestic airlines and two because the fare was cheap. And why not giving it a try then! 

When our plane arrived, we need to walk by foot to reach it. And I seriously didn't complaint at all when I overlooked the surroundings.  This airport has a magnificent view, since it's being surrounded by hills and mountains. 

Setelah perjalanan kurleb satu jam setengah, akhirnya kita safely landed di Jakarta. Berhubung waktu kepulangan kita pas weekday dan pas jam pulang orang kantor, so bisa dibayangkan betapa macetnya perjalanan dari Airport ke Lenteng Agung! Sangking lamanya, kita sampe kelaperan ditengah jalan dan terpaksa berhenti sebentar di Sate Khas Senayan Pancoran sebelum akhirnya sampe rumah setelah lebih dari 4 jam!

Cape, seneng, puas, lega..itu adalah perasaan yang kita rasakan or khususnya yang gw rasakan. Betapa tidak, akhirnya sempet juga ngajakin bonyok keluar kota walopun masih dalam jarak dekat. Alhamdulillah ada rejekinya dan pas kondisi ayah juga lagi mendingan. As you know, my Dad was having a stroke since 7 years ago. Ever since, kondisi dia gak pernah lebih baik dari waktu dia jalan2 kali ini. Nah berhubung pergi sama orang tua yang kondisinya kurang fit, mau ga mau gw juga musti mikirin semua hal yang sekiranya malah bisa bikin bokap kecapean or gak happy. Tapi lagi2 Alhamdulillah...sampe dirumah, Ayah baik2 aja tuh!

Insya Allah ada rejeki lagi dan semuanya sehat2..tripnya lebih baik dan lebih jauh lagi ya Yah ;)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Trip to Malang w/ My Familia - Day 3 (Batu Malang)

Planning kita dihari ketiga sudah cencuw pingin jayan-jayan donk yaaa..apalagi setelah misi utama-nya accomplished kemarin. Nah yang namanya pergi ke Malang, sudah cencuw juga pasti-musti-kudu dan wajib menyambangi the famous Batu area.

Kelar sarapan dan foto2 (penting iniiih, secara kemarin udah keburu teler semuah) sekitar jam 10an kita minta concierge cariin taksi dan off we go to Batu Malang.

 Si ayah emang kurang fotogenic..senyumnya mahaaal, musti bayar duluuu katanya..xixix

Jangan Heneg Ya Ngeliat Sister Narsis iniih..huhuhu

Terletak 15km dari kota Malang, Batu ini merupakan pusat wisata dan rekreasinya orang2 dari berbagai daerah, khususnya Malang dan sekitarnya. Batu menurut gw hampir sama persis dengan Puncak. Berhubung lokasinya berada didataran tinggi Malang, no wonder udaranya sejuk dan cocok buat refreshing.

Perjalanan dari hotel ke Batu Malang sekitar 45menit s/d 1 jam (tergantung kondisi jalan ya) Dan transportasi yang kita gunakan adalah Taksi! Kenapa kita milih taksi, karena setelah nanya sana-sini termasuk nanya ke Kakek Atma, sayang juga seandainya gw memutuskan untuk sewa mobil. Ongkos sewa mobil dari hotel untuk 12 jam sekitar 550rb, itu sudah termasuk bensin dan supir. Tapi masalahnya adalah, kita tidak tau apakah kita akan pergi selama 12 jam atau lebih. Dan lagipula, namanya rekreasi satu area, sayang aja gitu nyewa mobil cuma untuk nungguin kita aja. Thus pilihan jatuh ke Taksi yang ongkos sekali jalannya kurleb 100rban lebih sajah (teteup pingin efisien :p)

Hari itu gw udah wanti2 ke bonyok untuk pake sweater karena katanya udara Batu dingin banget. Di perjalanan kita nanya2 sama supir taksinya lokasi wisata mana yang harus kita kunjungin pertama kali. FYI, di daerah Batu itu ada beberapa lokasi wisata. Yang paling terkenal mungkin Jatim Park 1, Jatim Park 2, Taman Selecta dan Batu Night Spectacular. Nah di tiap2 lokasi ada beberapa interest sights yang bisa dikunjungin (click each name for details). Akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk menuju Jatim Park 2 duluan. Sampe sana ternyata udaranya lumayan dingin saudara2! Alhasil langsung deh kita laper lagiih (huaaa) trus sebelum masuk kita iseng nyari2 tempat makan disekitaran pintu masuknya dulu. Celingak-celinguk, gw liat ada satu resto yang kelihatannya lumayan beres bernama Jungle Fast Food. Lokasinya berada persis disamping lobby Pohon Inn Hotel.

Berhubung interest utama di Jatim Park 2 itu adalah Batu Secret Zoo aka Kebun Binatang (jauh-jauh ke Malang ngeliatnya isi Ragunan jujaaah -__-) ya bisa ketebak tema si resto gak jauh2 dari tema jungle2an gitu deeh. Pas masuk dalemnya sih super interesting, diatapnya ada tumbuhan2 merambat, bangku2 dan meja2nya bermotif kulit binatang, ada patung2 binatang juga daaaan yang lebih canggihnya lagi adalah..tempat kita makan itu langsung menghadap kaca besar yang dibaliknya adalah kandang Rusa dan Macan! CANGGIH doonkkk.......................Well, for you maybe................tapi klo gw sih mana bisaa! Bukan apa2, tempat temaram gw masih tolerance, bangku berkulit2 gw juga masih bisa santai..tapiii yang namanya makan sambil menghadap kandang..Hhhmmmm.. I dont think so, Sorry :(

Ya bisa ketebak, gak pake lama gw langsung ngajak bonyok cari tempat lain yang lebih enak diperut dan dimata. Nah setelah muter sana-sini, akhirnya kita nemu satu tempat makan yang lokasinya agak mojok dan sepi. Awalnya sih kita udah mikir pasti mehong nih makanya sepi gini, tpi at least pemandangannya gak perlu sambil ngeliat2 kandang segala dan disini kita juga bisa dapet feel udaranya Batu karena lokasinya yang agak terbuka. So dikesampingkan dulu deh masalah harga, yang penting perut tenang. Kita pesennya nasi goreng dan si Jeynonk mesen sate. Pas bebayaran ternyata harganya ndak mahal2 amat koq, tapiiiii...rasanya bener2 below standard semuah! Nasinya lembek kaya nasi Rumah Sakit, ayamnya keras, bumbunya gada rasanya dan kerupuknya alot! Oh My GOD..No wonder tempat ini sepi :( Cuma mau gimna lagi, perut udah keroncongan, dan Ayah gak bakalan sanggup untuk jalan jauh dan muter2 nyari tempat lain. Setidaknya perut kita udah keisi sedikitlah.

Kelar makan, gw udah mau langsung beli tiket dan masuk donk tiba2 Bonyok bilang "males masuk". Nah looh! Alesan bonyok sih karena isinya kurang menarik dan terlalu luaaass. Gw sih udah siap2 nyewa semacam kursi roda elektrik seandainya Bokap cape. Harga sewanya kurleb 150rb. Tapi Bonyok udah gak tertarik tuuh..Yah mau ga mau kita cuma muter2 depannya aja, foto2 dan nyoba pergi ke area yang lain. Kebetulan ada temennya Jeynonk yang bilang kalo Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) bagus dan layak dikunjungin. So akhirnya kita coba pindah lokasi kesana aja.

Pas ditaksi tadi, kita sempet nanya apakah taksi dari Jatim Park gampang dan banyak? trus si supirnya -yang belakangan akhirnya kita sumpah2in- bilang "taksi banyak koq". Padahal apaaaan!! Ga ada tuh sama sekali palang penunjuk antrian taksi, informasi manggil taksi or anything. Bener2 kita sampe jalan muter2 dan jauuuh banget (I'm more concerning bout my dad yang udah ngos2an) cuma untuk nyari pintu keluar setelah nanya ma cleaning service yang ngasi petunjuk ngaco! Hadeeeuh! Setelah muter2 dan bolak-balik, akhirnya gw nemu satu orang yang bisa kasi jawaban dengan jelas. Ternyata di Jatim Park or khususnya di Malang, ga ada ceritanya tuh taksi mondar-mandir nyari penumpang. Disana itu, supir taksi selalu nunggu penumpang di poolnya. Kalo ada order (which is rata2 pendatang) baru deh mereka keluar dari pool. Nah kalo orang kaya kita2 gini yang gak tau sistemnya seperti itu, sampe rambut beruban kelamaan nunggu juga gak bahannya deh ada taksi yang lewat. Repot yaaa?? Repot Banget Nget Nget!

Setelah gw sempet sewot2an ma petugasnya karena gak ngasi informasi yang jelas ke pengunjung yang datang naik taksi, akhirnya sama mereka diteleponinlah taksinya. Setelah nunggu kurang lebih setengah jam, akhirnya taksi kita dateng dan kita langsung minta dianterin ke BNS. Ternyata...lokasi Jatim Park 1 ke BNS cuma tinggal koprol doank sangking deketnya. Pas kita sampe argonya aja masih 5000 -___- nah berhubung kita tau susah banget nyari taksi, akhirnya tanpa ditanya, si supir taksi nawarin kita untuk bayar borongan. Enaknya adalah, didepan kita semua, si supir taksi telepon ke pusat dan nanya berapa harga untuk nunggu minimal 2 jam, pusat bilang sekitar 160rban (kalo ga salah yaa) kita sih ok2 aja, tpi yang jadi masalah adalah kita gak tau apakah kita akan lama atau sebentar di BNS itu, apalagi kita gak tau wujudnya si BNS kaya apa. Takutnya nanti malah kaya Jatim Park yang bikin bonyok ilfeel. Setelah ngobrol2 panjang lebar, si supir bilang dia mau nunggu aja sambil argonya dinyalain. Well, berhubung udah disitu, ya gw gak masalahlah. Wong namanya juga lagi jalan-jalan! So deal done, si pak supir akan nungguin kita dan argo nyala.

Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) ternyata adalah mini versionnya of Dufan tapi sedikit lebih keren dibandingin pasar malam di Jakarta. Di dalemnya banyak wahana2 yang bisa kita cobain, dari wahana yang menantang sampe wahana yang cucok buat foto2 doank. Areanya sendiri gak terlalu besar, tapi untuk ukuran orang Malang, segitu sih udah kereen banget kali ya (hihihihi). Yang bikin kita semua kaget adalah harga tiket masuknya yang satu orang cuma bayar 15.000 sajah saudara2! Giliing muraah wonder pada happy main kesini. Dan pas masuk, jangan harep deh ketemu pendatang2 yang keceh2 macam penghuni Dufan gitu (hussh..hushh) tapi yaudahlahyaw, kita coba nikmatin aja deh mumpung disitu.

Denger2 dan baca2 di Google, wahana yang wajib dikunjungi ketika ada di BNS adalah taman lampionnya. Berhubung BNS baru buka sore hari (dari jam 3 s/d jam 12 malam), jelas wahana taman lampionnya ini akan lebih bagus buat dilihat. Pas masuk, kita langsung mengarah ke area taman lampionnya sambil lihat2 sekeliling ketika tiba2 Ayah bilang dia agak laper (lagiihh) so kita liat ada satu resto yang ternyata dibawahnya adalah area Go Kart. Gw and Jeynonk kesenengan ngeliatnya dan langsung gatel pingin nyobain. Alhasil bonyok santai2 duduk diatas sambil ngopi2 dan mesen tahu petis plus asparagus and crab soup, nah gw and Jeynonk langsung jajal si Go Kart deh.

Untuk masuk ke wahana di BNS kita musti bayar lagi (yaeyalah) jadi bukan kaya tiket terusan di Dufan gitu. Dan untuk tiap2 wahana harganya bervariasi, mulai dari 7000 s/d 20.000an. Untuk Go kartnya sendiri ada pilihan 2x putaran dan 6x, namanya cuma iseng, kita ambil yang 2 laps sajah. Ternyata main gokart seru banget, gw sampe mau nambah (makanan kalee), tapi Jeynong pingin nyobain wahana lain, so akhirnya kita muter2 dan jajal naik wahana sepeda udara. Nah yang ini lebih seru lagi, cukup bayar 12rb, kita udah bisa muterin area BNS dari atas sambil ngeliat pemandangan lampu kota Malang dikejauhan. Sebenernya masih banyak wahana2 lain yang seru, tapi kita udah keburu males ngantri dan lagipula saat itu cuacanya mulai gerimis, jadinya kita cuma muter2 sambil foto2 dan terakhirnya pas mau pulang, baru deh gw and Jeynonk masuk ke Lampion Gardennya. Di dalemnya seru juga, banyak spot bagus buat foto2 daaaan..that's it! They were all very nice and good 'just' to see, karena emang disini ini ajangnya buat puas2in foto, lebih dari itu sih gak ada apa2nya lagi yaa..but tetep, it's a must see area when you go to BNS!

Lebih dari 2 jam kita di BNS and time to go home. Kelar bayar makan, kita langsung nyari pintu keluarnya yang jauh dan diujung ituh. Typical tempat hiburan semuanya sama deh, selalu pengunjung udah cape muter2 tetep harus dipaksa keluar melewati jejeran toko2 souvenir dan tempat makan dulu. But we didn't complaint tho, cause Jeynonk berhasil menemukan sendal lucu bergambar apel dan logo BNS warna-warni seharga 10rb saja gituuh. Langsung deh kita kalap beli buat ngasi ke keponakan2. 

Lewatin pintu exit, lagi2 kita ketemu toko2 yang jual oleh2 makanan khas Malang, dan lagi2 kita berhenti buat beli keripik apel, bakpia telo, sampe buah apelnya juga. Bonyok puas deh belanja disitu. Kelar bela-beli kita buru2 nyari taksi yang nungguin kita. Pas sampe, gw udah mikir argonya pasti lebih dari 200rban ternyataaaaa...segitu lamanya dia nungguin kita, gw liat angka di dashboardnya cuma tertera 80rb aja gituuu!!! OMG! _Alhamdulillah_ *tetep gak mau rugi* :p

Sampe hotel gw pun cukup bayar kurang dari 200rb, itu setelah nungguin 2 jam lebih looh. Seneng deh akuuh :D Di kamar, kita langsung rapi2in barang untuk persiapan back to Jakarta besok dan after that te to the par!

We do really enjoyed our visit to Batu, Insya Allah ada rejeki dan umur panjang kita pasti akan datang lagi...Amiin!