Hahaha..apa kabar semuanya? hope baik2 aja yaa..seperti diriku hari ini yang lagi merasa happy sampe keubun-ubun. (karena menang lomba makan kerupuk Gie?) gede mak, malu sama umur dan gak enak juga saingan ma bocah2 deket kostan! LOL
Anyway, hari ini gw cuma mau sharing aja how much I enjoyed my days lately. First after ber-galaw2 ria gegara nervous menyambut hari pertama kerja, all of sudden hari kamis kemarin, semua perasaan galaw, resah, gelisah dan gamang..hilang semuanyaah!
And the reason is because, finally, after weeks of weeks hunting, browsing2 sampe begadang dan compare2 sampe mata sliwer, last Thursday, my dream MK Hamilton Saffiano Red has finally arrived! Excited? Sudah cencuuw <3
Jadi ceritanya kan kamis kemarin gw ndak kemana-mana, trus iseng deh mau nongkrong2 sambil buka laptop di kolam. Baru juga naro laptop, tiba2 aja Bu Sugeng bilang kalo gw dapet kiriman paket, pas gw liat bungkus paketnya gedaaa..I kneew it was my long-awaited bag that's coming!
Jangan ditanya deh betapa noraxnya gw ketika ngeliat itu, secara gw udah kaya orang gila lompat2an kesenengan, sampe2 si Ibu Sugeng berrolling eyes ngeliatinnya :p
Trus ga pake lama, langsung buru2 donk gw buka itu paket (sambil deg2an pastinya) (berasa kaya dapet kiriman cincin kawin) (maafkan saya yang norak ya) And there it is, just right in front of my eyes, my dream bag!
You see, I've been dreaming this bag since the very first I saw it, but I was torned between this one or Selma, and after long consideration, I chose Selma Black first instead of this. After I got the Selma, then I began to hunting Hamilton Red again.
Apparently, it was not that easy. Considering this color was their last season' collection and they don't sell in any longer here in my country, thus I need to search to another country or websites.
Again, it was not that easy because most of the websites only provide the Mandarin color instead of RED, and for me, even though both colors are looked almost the same, but I just knew that in real life they're both slightly different. As per its name, Mandarin leans to orange-ish and yeah of course I don't liked it. So the hunting kept continued...
Until one day I found the real Red at Macy's. As always, I contacted one of the forum seller to buy it for me. Unfortunately, at that time she doesn't open PO from Macy's, as well as the other sellers too. And there you are, I lost hope! Tapi namanya juga ngidam ya mak, gw kekeuh musti hunting teruuuus! Akhirnya, gw coba2 deh searching dan compare2 harga di Instagram, Facebook and another online sites sampe buntu mau nyari kemana lagi.
Several weeks has passed until I tried it once again on Google, and of the online shopping site called Amazon sell it and what makes me even happier is that the price was on sale aka cheaper than what I've seen before, A LOT!
So without further thinking, I immediately contacted the seller -thank God that she open PO at Amazon- and after I agreed on the quote price, I said confirmed and she said OK.
Deal Done! All I have to do is just wait for it to arrived in my kostan for about 3 weeks or so (so much depends on our customs).
To my surprise, it's arrived earlier than I thought! Only in 3 weeks, the seller sent me the invoice and less than 2 days, it's here and totally mine now ;)
Under direct SUN ;)
Yeah, I used it on my first day working...
After a thrilled and super exciting day, latah deh mampir ke Galleries Lafayette Pacific Place untuk iseng ngecek2 toko MK yang baru aja dibuka. Dan ujung2nya adalah, kalap nyobain tas2 dan aksesoris yang super duper keceh2 itu sampe kebawa mimpi segala!
PS : Naksir satchel saffiano yang luggage...sama bracelet and wide buckle ring!
Arrrgghh..gak bener iniih -____-