Monday, March 12, 2012

Red Pants for today ;)

Last thursday, gw decided to wore a red pants that i bought two days first pasti ga pede karena warnanya bright banget, but i think..i will just give it a try :D

I've been wanting to have red pants quite sometimes, but ga pernah nemu yang bener2 srek i told you before, kriteria celana yang pas di badan gw udah pasti, musti dan kudu berbahan tebel, kaku dan punya detail pocket dibelakangnya..its not easy to find that kind of pants tho..sampe akhirnya gw nyoba merk The Executive!

I instantly felt in love with this brand, terutama karena toko ini mengkhususkan pakaian kerja untuk wanita/pria and most of their collections are really suitable for me, the cutting, the color, the shape and the materials.

Jadilah gw punya beberapa pasang celana mereka, dari putih, hitam, abu2, coklat, krem, navy dan their latest color...RED! To be honest, gw gak nyangka mereka akan keluarin warna ini buat celananya, i saw a skirt with the same color and material, but im not too intresting, its too short for me :p

Since i know their pants mostly fits me well, so i try it and i looovvveee the MAX! and it cost me only 279k for this lovely bright red pants, cheaper than Merk Sebelah :p

Now tinggal mikirin how to wear it right for any ocassions..especially for office wear :D

Red and stripes udah pasti setelan terstandar yang bsa gw pikiran for now..but maybe ill try another option oneday, like below ;)

Courtesy of Google, backstagewithlani, saltprep


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