Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Exercise - Gentle Flow

Dikarenakan seluruh jiwa-raga gw masih tersakiti gara2 kelas Pilates, alhasil minggu ini gw memilih untuk latihan yang ringan2 aja dulu.  Gak ada deh tuh gaya2 akrobat, kayang, salto endeblah endeblih buat minggu ini, pokoknya musti yang light2 dulu biar urat gw gak encok permanent!

So yesterday, setelah ceki2 Time Table nya FF Senci, gw decided untuk ambil kelas Dynamic Flow/Body Balance aja dulu. Tapi berhubung gw "ternyata" baru bisa keluar kantor jam 7.30, alhasil gw gak akan bisa catch-up kedua kelas itu, thus gw maksain untuk tetep ikutan kelas berikutnya which is Gentle Flow. 
Gentle Flow

Is a slower paced, flowing class that synchronizes movement with breath. Taking a focus on relaxation and stress release, this class is ideal for those new to Yoga and exercise, pregnant participants, and those seeking a gentler workout.

Dari namanya udah ketauan donk latihan kaya apa yang akan dilakukan di kelas Gentle Flow ini, as always, my sotoy mind assuming si GF ini adalah latihan Yoga yang dibikin lebih gentle *halagh. So nyampe FF, gw buru2 ganti baju and langsung cuus masuk ke kelasnya.

Pas didalem ternyata kelasnya udah penuh looh, wah gw udah kesenengan karena itu artinya kelas ini banyak peminatnya..eeh pas instrukturnya masuk...oalaaah, pantesaan cyint banyak pemirsanya, lah wong instrukturnya chakeeps sekaliih, badannya bajus dan senyumnya manis..aseli mirip orang korea/jepang gitu deeh. Lumayan liat yang bening2 setelah bosen liatin BBP yang buteeek (pisss mbul :P)

Awal2 latihan sih ok lah, kita diminta untuk laying down diatas matras tapi pake ganjelan persis dibagian bawah punggung. Dari situ kita diminta untuk relaksasi dan latihan pernafasan. Gw udah sorak2 gembira dalam hati seandainya tiap latihan gayanya kaya gini, pasti akan gw stalker terus ini kelas :D

After about 15 minutes laying down plus pindah posisi kanan-kiri, barulah latihan GF sebenernya dimulai......engingeng.

Its not easy too ternyata..aseli!

Most of the moves lebih mengutamakan ke streching2 dan buat seorang nubie dan gak pernah eksersise dan badan kaku berat kaya gw, latihan kaya gini bener2 bikin nafas kembang kempis cuuy. (ketauan amat jomponya).

Gerakannya sih simple, very2 simple malah...but if you do it in the right way, you'll be able to feel how painful it can be. Urat2 yang biasanya cuma disuruh gerak gitu2 doank, sekarang musti distretch abis2an. Kalo kata instrukturnya mah "pull your hips, straight your back, suck your tummy in and stretch those legs and arms" Alamaaak, otak gw mana sanggup mencerna perintah bertubi2 gitu! Dan setelah mati2an usaha, jari2 kaki gw sukses keraaam seada-adanya!!! -____- 

Belum lagi pas adegan (eeeh) sit up gaya slow motion dan tahan setengah muleess ga seeh!

Setelah sejam latihan, dengkul gw gemeteran kaya gak ada tulangnya dan gw gak berkeringet sama sekali, tapiiii seluruh body bener2 berasa kaya plastic-man, lemes dan lentur, selain itu gw juga ngerasa kalo nafas gw lebih teratur dan lebih plong.

It was very fun and i must say i really like this class, yah walopun latihannya perlu urat sekaliber urat Gatot Kaca, tapi dijamin kelar latihan our body akan berasa lebih enteng dan fleksibel (terbukti!)

Next time gw pasti akan ikutan lagi kelas ini and with the same instructor #eeeh :p
Why Flow Yoga? 
Have you ever felt like you were rushing through life or operating on a more unconscious level; unaware of what thoughts and feelings were motivating you from moment to moment? For most of us, at some point or another, the answer is “YES”.  Sometimes we might even suddenly stop and ask ourselves, Why did I do that?,  How did I get here?, or simply Where has the time gone?” 

In a flow (or vinyasa as it is called in Sanskrit) style of yoga the breath serves as a link between the body and mind and allows us to stay focused, calm and aware as we move  in and out of the yoga poses. We are encouraged to slow down and to bring our  heart felt intentions into our movements by  linking these intentions to our breath and always making sure that the breath is moving freely and smoothly as we practice.

What most practitioners find is that as they begin to cultivate this ability to open up  their hearts and move with greater presence and intention on their mats, that they are able to bring these same qualities into their lives off the mat.

Flow yoga is less about thinking our way through the poses and more about feeling our way through the poses using the breath as our guide. Those of you who tend to over think or analyze  throughout your day will find this to be a welcomed break! (Soooo...ME ^^)

Learning how to move consciously moment to moment, breath to breath. We will strive to infuse this practice with a sense of humor, a sense of play. The point is not to judge the practice but to simply get into our bodies and explore.
Source : Laughing River Yoga

XoXo ;)


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