Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sept 10 Recap

I missed the whole September to blogging...banyak ceritaaaa...tpi bngung mo mulai recap dri mna, actually, banyakan hri2 gw from monday-friday will be the same...kostan-office-berlian..same routine over n over again, but, i enjoy it..alhamdulillah..itu tandanya gw msi sehat utk ttp beraktifitas n cari uaang :)

as for the weekend...tiap sabtu bkalan tetep ke Dr. Jo..*Ya Allah, ini gigi koq ndak sembuh2 yaa, si syaraf ndak mati2..jdi bngung, pdhal udah lebih dr 10 kali ganti obat, malah udh didouble dosisnya...saran terakhir dr Dr. Jo, ni gigi musti dirontgen lagi utk cek ngilunya karena apa..bsa jdi cuma karena pergeseran si behel...ndak yakin siih, tpi for that, brarti musti atur wktu ke pramitha buat foto lagi...aka..kluar duit lagi T_T

untuk kerjaan..well, my new boss has arrived, his name is Mr. Lim Leng Pin , i called him Pak LP since he prefer to called Pak :) well, first impression...he's OK..i mean..really2 okay..straightforward kind of person, no basa-basi and anti penjilat..i can tell by the first he is 63 would expect lots of comments (a good one) from him, he is a super senior and have been working almost his entire life for the company (im surely dealing with a very professional person here) so far..ive manage to assist him flawlessly (my presume) and look forward to assist him even more...HE IS OKAY :)

oiya, forgot to inform bout this one..pdhal ini adalah one of my dream thing...salah satu hal yg ndak pernah kepikiran untuk dicoba, im not even interesting at all at first..but hell..after few discussions with "Him", he finally gave the approval and yes....aku mendaftar "Kursus Mengemudi".....hehehe

it may sounds ridiculous how i can be too over excited, well yeah..i am..!!i always consider taking courses as a big stepping stone...*lebaay..but still...iam superrr exciteed..

finally, after googling..i found this place :
PT. Mentari Prima Persada
Jln. Dr. Satrio No. 18 Karet Pedurenan
(Masuk dari Restoran Ayam Taliwang)
Tel: 021 5289 2388 Website:

the reason i choose this place is bcoz..its near from my office di Mega Kuningan, so klo mo ksana gampang n bsa ambil jam kursusnya pas lunch time...(or pas boss2 lg ndak ada...sssttt)
jasa yg dia sediain macem2..ada kursus plus SIM jg...cek websitenya utk lbih jelas...
PS: kyaknya crita ttg kursus ini musti dipisah deh..ill make a new post then :)

well..recap bulan september itu aja..all in gw cuma bisa bilang Alhamdulillah kepada Allah SWT..Tuhan segala-galanya...yang atas msi bisa diberi kehidupan untuk tetap ada sampai dengan hari ini...alhamdulilah ya Allah :)


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