Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Russell Peters' Ticket Struggle!

It started when my boss suddenly asked me to search RP ticket just 2 days before the H-day. I instantly looked at Google, Kaskus, or any other link that sell RP ticket. But then I get surprised, the tickets SOLD OUT everywhere..I've searched to every ticketing box in Jakarta, but still, no luck. From free-seated class to Silver class which is their highest class are also SOLD OUT.

Until the show-day, I haven't got the ticket yet. My boss (as always) saying his magic word "HARUS DAPET, GIMANAPUN CARANYA!!" successfully panicking me out! I don't have other option but to "nongrongin" Istora Bung Karno and berjibaku dengan para Calo nan ganas disana..Luckily ada Pak Ateng si OB Penolong yang udah pasang badan maju duluan. But tetep aja, setelah berjam-jam muter sana muter sini, nanya sana nanya sini pluuuusss si Boss yang dengan nada maksanya nanyain melulu "mana tiket saya?!" kita cuma berhasil dapetin satu..yes only satu tiket kelas 1 yang jelas2 di tiketnya tertera harga IDR 950.000 dan terpaksa kita beli seharga IDR 4jt!!! GILA!

Dengan perjuangan yang sebegitu gilanya plus pake acara hampir nangis segala, gw jadi penasaran..who the hell is RP? is he that good? is he that funny? I mean, u know lah in Jakarta, people are so easy to follow everything that's happening, trendy or eksis. Ga boleh ada yang trending di Jakarta, langsung deh berboyong2 ikutan nonton, padahal belum tentu juga mereka tau apa yang mereka tonton, belum tentu juga mereka ngerti apa yang mereka lihat...Until I decided to search him on youtube.

And I LOL to the MAX..He is super funny! now I understand why everyone dying to see his show..But again, komedi Indonesia dan komedi bule jelas 2 hal yang berbeda..disini people bisa ketawa ngakak klo ngeliat komedi yang ada orang dipukul, ditampar, dijejelin sesuatu..ironis memang melihat kenyataan bahwa kita malah seneng ngeliat orang kesiksa but gw ga mau munafik juga karena the truth is I laughing at it too when I watched RP ngelucu without hurting, hitting, smashing anyone and yet I still laughing, its a totally different feeling...I just wish one day, pelawak Indonesia bisa ngelucu tanpa nyakitin orang..#hail to Asmuni and the gank!!!



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