Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cabut Gigi :(

Its not an easy decision, so to speak! but it has to be thats it. Akhirnya 3 days ago i decided to do the "tooth extraction" di Dok Jo. Actually, it is part of my bracket treatment, Dok Jo bilang i do need to "plug off" my right upper molars. Well, untungnya ini yang more extraction afterward..thank God!

To be honest, i though it would be less painful compare to my first extraction, but unfortunately i was soo wrong! although the process is faster and it doesnt took 2 peoples to plug my molars, but the after-extraction process that killing me the most :(

The bleeding doesnt stop until 2 days after, and my cheek is swollen, i cant eat anything and the worst part of it is.."Nyut2annya". Maaaaaaakkk...gini nih rasanya sakit gigi :((

Thank God i have Ponstan to atleast reduce the pain..also i read on internet another way to reduce after-extraction pain. Walopun ndak semuanya gw diikuti, tpi it worth to try;
So here's how;
  1. Jangan lepas kapas kasa setidaknya setengah jam setelah pencabutan (as for me, gw keep it stay in there morreee than an hour) ps: minta spare kasa sama dokternya jgn lupa!
  2. Jangan berusaha untuk menstimulate bekas pencabutan krn bisa memperlambat proses pembekuannya (contohnya dgn sering meludah keras2 plus menyentuh lobangnya dengan lidah)
  3. Jangan kumur2 dulu dengan apapun!
  4. Banyak yg bilang jangan makan yg keras2 dulu, tapi logikanya adalah...udah otomatis semua yg abis cabut gigi gak bakalan ada yang nekat untuk makan yg keras2..nyari masalah itu sih!
  5. Katanya jangan sikat gigi keras2 jugaa....*yyaaaiyaaalaaah
  6. Untuk mencegah pembengkakan, coba kompres pipi kita dengan air es.
  7. Ask the Doctor obat untuk pengurang nyut2annya.
Trust me, the last one works so well ;)

You can read THIS for more penjelasan "waras" hehehe :p

ps: Mau minum ponstan lagi sekarang..efek nyut2annya bener2 bikin orang jadi "Senggol Bacok Mode : ON" nih...soo wrong!


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