Happy New Year 2011 All...
ndak berasa satu tahun lewat n here comes another year to explore, to live it to the fullest, to enjoy and to be blessed..Alhamdulillah Ya Allah :)
planning taun depan, more or less bkalan sama (menjadi Anggie yg lebih baik, in every aspect, every angle, every details, every inch...halaah) well, ndak banyak berharap, krn intinya manusia kan cuma berencana, tpi tetep Allah yg menentukan...so ill just go with the flow, banyak berusaha, berusaha dengan sungguh2, banyak berdoa dan banyak berfikir positive..Insya Allah dikabulkan smua keinginannya...amiiin
well, for time being, my early year plan would be "FULL VACATIONS" as mentioned earlier, January trip would be to Phuket Thailand, Feb trip to Bali and March trip will be Spore..hohohoho..alokasian bonus sudah terbayang habis kemna...:p
but thats oke, i deserve it though!!!*menghibur hati
cant wait for the trip..its 8 days to goooo...*lompat2 kegirangan
but before that time, *plaak..slap in the face..-i still need to deal with office thing, back to work, kerja giat biar cuti ter-approved and gogglingan buat nambah itinerary dsana..
awal taun artinya semangat baru and penampilan baru..well utk tahun ini, i shocked everyone di office by wearing a total glam moist RED lipstick..huhuhuhu..seruuu liat comment mreka, esp my Bosses (4 of them)..but its easy to explain...its 2011 make up trend pak...and u just need to get used to it coz i will wear this bloody RED lipstick often-ly....heeheheh
RED lipstick ON, RED nails ON, RED Shoes ON...im more than ready to face the year of 2011...
xixixixixi,,,,:) loe kocak banget Gie..
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