Thursday, July 18, 2013

Currently In Lust with LUSH!

Holla all,

Mumpung lagi produktif nulis (gegara pageviews *tsah) kali ini gw mau sharing about my recently craving skincare products.

Lately, I've been so fond of using Lush Products. Okay, okay..I know I'm sooo telat banget! Tapi gw ndak menyesal kalo akhirnya rasa penasaran dan kepo gw membuahkan hasil juga. And I can swear that I loveee them to bits! 

Berawal dari product Mask of Magnaminty ukuran kecil yang hasilnya nendang, mujarob dan ampoh di kulit gw itu, sekarang gw sudah mulai merambah jajal2 ke produk2 Lush yang lain. Untuk saat ini, ada 4 produk Lush yang masih rutin terpakai dan diirit2 makenya tiap hari. So without further ado, mari eke jelasin satu2 ya cyint.

Dibeli karena :
Mau bikin my baby-hair type terlihat lebih mengembang, bervolume dan tebal.
Fungsinya :
A stimulating treatment for people with thin or fine hair.
Fine hair needs careful looking after – and this treatment is packed full of ingredients to revitalize from root to tip.
Ingredients :
Starting with three kinds of mint to stimulate the scalp and hair follicles, olive oil to give condition and strength, honey to soften and soothe and nettle absolute for shine.  We’ve topped this off with a delicate perfume containing sweet orange oil, neroli and grapefruit oil all known to be cheerful and uplifting.  Together these are the foundations to build great hair. ( I AM SOLD!)
Cara Pakai :
Digunakan sebelum berkeramas (I used it 2-3 times a week). Dioleskan keseluruh kulit kepala sambil dipijat2 dan biarkan kurleb 30mnts dan cuci seperti biasa.
Harganya : For 225g kurleb 300rban.
My Review :
I love IT! Entah karena suggesti or anything, tapi perbedaannya lumayan terasa signifikan. Rambut jadi berasa lebih bervolume karena gak lepek/greasy. Dan waktu kemarin ke salon, si kapsternya sempet bilang kalo banyak rambut baru tumbuh in my head. So yeah, I'm soo happy. Apalagi wanginya juga seger terus pas dipake juga ada sensasi calming mint gitu di kulit kepala.
Repurchase : Obviously.

Dibeli karena :
Mau bikin power combo bersama2 dengan si Roots untuk membuat rambut sayah tebal dan mengembang. 
Fungsinya : 
Reincarnate is specially made to put life and shine into dark hair, making it look healthy and bursting with rich, natural-looking colour. Whether you’re a natural brunette or need a little assistance to go over to the dark side, Reincarnate is the shampoo to choose to keep your colour looking vibrant.
Ingredients :
Reincarnate is made with the best Persian red henna.  And added plenty of rhassoul mud, which is a natural cleanser and great for keeping the skin in tip-top condition, giving you a healthy scalp and lovely healthy hair.
Cara Pakai : 
Berhubung shampoo ini unik karena berbentuk solid aka bukan cair. Maka setelah membasahkan rambut, coba gosok2 shampoo ini ditangan sampai sedikit berbusa then apply onto your wet hair. Busanya memang tidak akan bisa terlalu banyak -which is good and I'm fine with it, as it doesn't take me forever to washed it- diamkan beberapa saat dan bilas as always.
Harganya : For the smallest cut of 100g it cost me around 100rb+ ( i forgot the exact pricenya)
My Review :
Until now, I still feel uncomfortable with its earthy, herbally smell. But considering it works like a wonder, I can finally bear with it and guess I'm getting to started to like it. Untuk awal2nya rambut pasti terasa lebih kering, tapi setelah beberapa kali pemakaian, hasilnya ok juga koq. Belum terlihat secara signifikan sih, tpi yang pasti rambut jadi gak gampang lepek dan anti-greasy. 
Repurchase : I might want to try their other solid shampoo, so just finished this one first.

Dibeli karena :  
Saya banci body-butter, handbody or apapun yang berhubungan dengan melembabkan kulit. Thus when I read its review, I knew I had to have it.
Finished off with Simon’s new Rose Jam scent, this product leaves you soft and smelling like a rose bush being kissed by the first rays of morning sun.
Packed full of ingredients to feed and nourish the skin; argan oil, cocoa butter, cupuaçu butter, brazil nut oil, almond oil and fair trade shea butter.
Cara Pakainya
Di olesin ketika selesai mandi dan badan masih basah, diamkan beberapa saat lalu dibilas. Setelah itu keringkan pakai handuk dengan cara di pat2 (free translations ala Gie!)
Harganya : Lumayan mehong saudara2. Untuk ukuran 225g kalo dikurs ke rupiah jadi kena 400rb lebih.
My Review :
At first, me don't like it at all. I found that the rose smell doesn't too appealing. IMO, it feels like an old rose powder fragrance.  Menyesal deh udah beli mehong2 taunya gak kepake samsek gini. Until mau ga mau ya musti gw pake juga bukan cyint! Dan mulai terbiasalah pake ini sampe akhirnya jadi bener2 addicted sama wanginya. Seriously, I can stand all day long at the shower if I can get to smell it. It's soo calming and soo sweet. Hasilnya juga ok begete. Kulit jadi berasa lebih kenyal, lembab dan wangiiiiiii...
Repurchase : Definitely

Dibeli karena :
Purely Penapsaran. Yups, i realize that i don't have too much problem with dry lips or sorta. So the main reason I bought this was simply because of a curiosity. I've read and watched so many reviews about this thing, and I said to my self, why not giving it a try then.
Fungsinya :
Clears dead skin and flakiness from lips, leaving them moisturised and smooth.
Ingredients :
Our lip scrub are made from castrol sugar to act as a gentle scrub and jojoba oil to be wonderfully moisturising but light enough not to leave you feeling greasy.
Cara Pakai :
Just gently scrub it onto your lips.
Harganya : Small jar of 25g cost me around Rp. 104.000,-
My Review :
I kinda liked it though. Walopun setelah baca2 review nya lagi, banyak yang bilang kalo ini ga worthed dan too over-priced. Karena kita bisa dapetin hasil yang sama cukup dengan pakai sikat gigi lembut, madu dan olive oil. But hey, where else can i get that oh-so-yummy bubblegum smell if isn't from Lush. So i wouldn't complaint at all. For me, it's worth every penny.
Repurchase : This little jar goes along way, so i guess it will last for awhile.

The next Lush product that I've been expecting to come are Ocean Salt, BIG Shampoo and another Mask of Magnaminty huge jar! Can't wait to have them soon...

Ciao ;)


  1. Wiiih belii dimana mba? Itu solid shampo kaya gula areen ya.. "̮HαHαHα"̮
    Tapi bener lah lush ini mehong2. Abis kekuras kalo nggak irit2 make nya..

    Iiish pingin lip scrub nya lhooo..

  2. beli di olshop mna sis?


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